
Friday, January 7, 2011

My Valentine's Shelf

I like to pretend this is my Mantel and just want to decorate it like every month to some new theme!! LOL I took all the Christmas stuff down so thought I'd go ahead and jump right into Valentine's!!! I don't really have that much of Valentines stuff though!! I do have a lot of heart things around my house cause it's kinda been a new obsession of mine LOL. Also I made a Valentines Subway Art!!! I just love all the Subway Art everyone makes on blogs so I wanted to make one myself!!! Hope you Enjoy your weekend!! Tomorrow is my birthday so Hubby & I are going out with his brother and girlfriend. My parents are gonna take the kiddies overnight for a sleepover! They are pretty excited!!


NanaDiana said...

Really cute, LisaMarie. It does look like a mantle! I tried to find an email to send you a quick note. Just wanted to tell you that on my computer it is very hard to read your blog..the color of the ink combined with that font just kind of runs together and on the left side where it goes into the is really hard to figure it out. And...maybe it is just me but maybe others are having a hard time too and just don't say anything. You know I adore you, sweetie, so just wanted to tell you...

This post is kind of for your eyes only so please feel free to delete it after you read it. Hugs- Diana

LisaMarie said...

I tried to fix it!! I also can't figure out when i try to type back on here I see no text and most of the time it won't let me even reply?? I have so many problems with this blog but my other blog works fine.

Jen @ said...

So cute. I love your Valentine's Subway Art and all of it together looks so fabulous!
