
Monday, March 14, 2011

365 Day Photo Challenge { day 2 }

So today is a Picture of Pookie Bear that I took on my laptop!! She was watching Curious George!!! One of her Favorite TV shows!!!!

We're gonna head to the grocery store today and get a few items! Then clean up time and put away a bunch of clothes!! I've been dying for Spring to come!! But the more I think about it I realize I only have like 5 1/2 more months before Pookie goes to Kindergarten!! She's my last baby!! Gosh what will I do with my 4 hours of alone time come this Fall???? I guess clean LOL

Enjoy your week Luvs


NanaDiana said...

Very Cute- My daughter is doing the 365 day challenge too...and I have another blogging friend that I follow daily. Very sweet picture, Lisa. xxoo Diana

NanaDiana said...

Just as a thought- you might want to take off the word verification thingy. It makes it harder for people to comment and some won't bother doing it...just a thought. Blogger does a very good job of screening out spam. If you don't know how I will give you the link that tells you---just a thought. Hugs-Diana

NanaDiana said...

Hi Lisa, I am having a terrible time posting today. I lost this post twice! is the link to the tutorial that tells you how to get rid of the word verifier thingy...and I will try and find the one with how to change fonts. Hope this helps. It is the one I used to get my own word verifier turned will get more comments once you turn it off. You will have to cut and paste this link. Hugs- Diana

LisaMarie said...

Ok so I've been fixing everything up!! i'm really excited cause some how I fixed it so I can reply now. A box pops up for me to type in!!! Thanks so much for all the help!!! You're a Doll!!! xoxo