I have a youtube channel (LisaLuvsMac), I've been doing this on and off since 2009. It never really seemed to go anywhere I guess because I'm not very constant with keeping up on it and also networking. Anyways I started it cause I was a SAHM to 3 very young children and I needed a hobby for myself. Makeup was my big interest aside for being a Mommy & Wife so that's what I decided to do on youtube. Once in awhile I would post videos of the kids, but not as offend as I would have liked. Recently I was going through my video's and was said I didn't post more of the family on there. They look so cute and so young. I know I'm with them everyday and enjoy being with them and watching them grow and learn. Yet it's also so nice to be able to look back and see them afterwards. So my goal for this year is to blog everyday and to post more videos of the children. I don't care if nobody watches it's all for me and my family. To look back at our year and see all the fun things we've done as family and to see how the kids have grown through the year.
Blogging everyday for a year may just be a challenge for me but I'm ready to take that challenge and have fun with it. I love to write even though I'm not a very good writer and I'm really bad with words, but maybe this will help me grow as well. I'm a couple days behind my first couple blogs but that's ok I had to organize my thoughts first and here I go!!!!! Blogging.
This is not just for the kids either. I really want to keep sharing recipes because I love to cook and I'm good at it. Also I will post about other things as well, such as beauty, couponing, DIY, and home decor. Probably just some every day family life. The simple things we all do day to day, along with fun adventures.
Happy New Year and here's to a new start. A fresh new year to do new things and improve ourselves. SO I'm pretty excited to share my family with you and be able to reflect back on it later.
xoxo The DuHaime's
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